Commercial Real Estate in the Irish Hills

Results Found: 2
Window frontage on Main St.  Little over 900 square feet 1 bathroom $800 month, only includes water- tenant will be responsible for their own electrical bill. Interested? Call (517)416-2062
Expires: 6/6/2024
Suite C has windows on School Street and the entry door is from the parking lot. This suite has a little over 770 square feet goes for $700 a month which covers the water bill and trash. Tenant would be responsible for their gas and electric bill. There is one bathroom, which wasn’t included in the square footage.  Right now both suites connect if someone wants a larger space to rent. If renting both sides, it would be only $1,400 a month plus their utilities.  We can put up a wall between the two suites
Expires: 6/6/2024